Aboriginal Infant Development Program
Our Aboriginal Infant Development Support Workers support Indigenous families with children from birth to three years who are at risk of, or already have, a delay in development.
It is our mission to provide support for families with Indigenous children through:
Fostering and nurturing a safe and healthy family environment between families and community services
Empowering families to become active participants in the community
The Aboriginal Infant Development Program can offer unique programs to help further your child's skills, abilities, and wellness through:
Nobody’s Perfect Parenting
Aboriginal Parent-Child Mother Goose
Circle of Security Parenting Program
Ages and Stages Questionnaire
Infant Massage
The benefits for both parent and child include:
Meeting other families in the Vancouver community
One to one consultations with AIDP Support Workers
Home visits
Informal assessments of child and family needs that are culturally sensitive and meaningful
Positive parent-child relationships
Cultural knowledge and activities
Appropriate referrals when necessary or as requested
Contact us
717 Princess Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6A 3E4